Sunday, 13 December 2009

UKIPT Galway Day 2


  1. GG. Any Irish junkies mug you yet?

  2. just the ones mugging me by coming over the top of my bets/raises with junk

  3. Sorry bout the bust out mate. Dunno what I can offer but if your retiring from SnGs what do i have to do for you to pass some of that wisdom down to me :) You let me know. I need some mentoring.

    Enjoy Galway on a Sunday night.

  4. Hey Dude, ul with Galway. Also how come you're giving up SnG's?

    Was wondering how you reckon the best way to spend FPPs? I keep reading the concierge is the best thing at 31k but also read they value 186k FPPs @ $3k so if i had say 500k FPPs after spending the 31k i would have paid $100k rake but could only receive back ~$8k in reimbursed receipts?? What would be the best way to get max value from half a mill points?

  5. Tom you are doing it wrong.

    If you were supernova $100K rake = 500K VPPs = 1,750,000 FPPs

    use concierge or the 4K bonuses

  6. Jeez i need some sleep, how fucking obv! Gl with the PLO.

  7. Excellent blog mate.

    Only just come across it but some great stuff here, good work.

    I actually remember seeing you in Galway (I played the ME @ the Radisson). Were you the guy wearing the gloves? lol.

    Anyway, keep up the good work and look forward to reading future posts. I would say read my blog lol but not much going on over there compared to yours :D


  8. Solid gamer rating on the top right!

  9. Hey

    Came across your blog from the 2p2 link to your interview with spacegravy. He talked about a couple of training sites for SNGs. I have come out of retirement (from NL$400 cash) to take up SNGs. I've played around with wiz and know some stuff, but I really think I need a good coaching site. Any recommendations?

  10. for sng coaching sites try , listen to my interview with Jonathan Little for more info on that site.
